Product Help
Metar Light Setup Instructions
The device will enter configuration mode after each power cycle in case you want to update any of the settings but you don't need to... it will timeout after 30 seconds and use the previously configured settings.
The device will not work with some guest WIFI networks that have authentication methods other than a password such as requiring you to visiting a web page after connecting, etc. If your network has a firewall or advanced security enabled you may need to register the device's mac address on your router. The mac address can be found at the top of the configuration page.
This device requires 2.4G WIFI to be enabled on your your access point/router. Some newer routers turn the 2.4G network off by default but it can be enabled in the router settings.
When you first plug in your light it will enter configuration mode and flash green for about 30 seconds. During this time you have the option to configure your WIFI network connection and station code.
While the unit is flashing green go to your phone or computer WIFI settings and connect to the network named METAR.
Once connected the light will start flashing yellow.
On your phone or computer open up a web browser and navigate to to access the configuration webpage.
Select your WIFI network name (SSID) from the list and enter the password (ususally written on your router).
Remember passwords are case sensitive.
In that form you also enter the station identifier for which you want the light to report conditions.
The station specified must receive FAA METAR reports in order for the light to work.
When you have completed the form click the SAVE button and your light will restart.
When your light is first powered on it will flash green for about 30 sections, then flash blue while attempting to connect to your WIFI network. After a successful connection it will briefly glow orange (was purple in previous firmware versions) as it checks for any firmware updates. If the light remains orange for more that a few seconds it is downloading new firmware. Do not remove the power during this process. After the firmware check it will display the white flickering startup sequence while initially fetching conditions from the FAA then it will display the current station conditions. It will then check for updated conditions every 15 minutes.
Green is VFR. Blue is Marginal VFR. Red is IFR. Purple is Low IFR.
If the light is pulsing winds were reported greater than 25 knots. If the light is flickering white lightening has been reported.
At any time you can press the button on the support shaft to hear the station code that is being reported and current visibility in statute miles. If the conditions are not VFR it will also state the current cloud base. Your metar light also has a touch sensor so you should be able to hear conditions by just touching the base. This may however may not work all the time due to environmental variations.
If your light flashes blue while attempting to connect to your network and then turns red the connection failed and the light will restart. Try rebooting your wireless router and if that doesn't work try configuring your light's network settings again. Remember network passwords are case sensitive.
If your light is stuck in the startup flickering sequence chances are the station you entered does not get METAR reports from the FAA or you entered the station incorrectly. You can verify the station you entered gets metar reports by texting the word "metar" followed by the identifier to 358782. Early versions of the firmware also required station identifiers to be entered on the config form as small case only so that could be the problem. At any time during the startup sequence you can press the button on the support shaft to hear the station identifier that has been configured. To re-configure the station code restart your device and follow the configuration instructions above.
If you have any problems configuring your metar light please send email to
Make sure to include the serial number and firmware version in your email which is shown in parenthesis in the header of the configuration web page.
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